Monday, March 3, 2014

Written by John Ståhle, 11 October 2010, at. 06:49

That was one of the reactions when it became clear that the sculpture in spring 2010 to leave his place on the beach for some moved to the Shanghai World Expo to be there for 8 months.
Did it in a similar way, while others felt that the sculpture is more of a 'symbol of our worst inferiority complex catoon network "and that it is" a mystery how this trifle catoon network of a sculpture can become a national issue. "Tribute catoon network to ballet dancer
The Little Mermaid was not - contrary catoon network to the Statue of Liberty - created as a national symbol, but as a tribute to the ballerina Ellen Price (1878-1968), who danced the title role in the ballet The Little Mermaid in 1909.
The sculptor Edvard Eriksen (1876-1959) created the sculpture, which was erected Langeline in 1913. This led mermaid for many years a rather secluded life, while Gefionspringvandet catoon network attracted much attention, quite in line with the contemporary sense of Nordic myths and legends.
Committee's recommendation is that you 'flavored' exploiting that, and in subsequent years beginning cautious references catoon network to 'Hans Christian Andersen's fairytale Copenhagen "to appear in tourist brochures, and his (fictional) childhood home in Odense is the pilgrimage museum.
It produces' quality souvenirs "such as a re-release of the fairy tale of The Little Mermaid, as a counterweight catoon network to the many reproductions, knick-knacks and odds and ends of the sculpture. Pictures of The Little Mermaid will also have a more prominent place in the tourist brochures, but still described as a separate attraction and certainly not as a symbol or a symbol of either Copenhagen or Denmark.
The exception is the small booklet 'Copenhagen in a Nutshell' (1934), where the mermaid in both text and image symbolically represents the very cheerful, romantic and adventurous capital.
Since under 2 World War I slowly began to take off in tourism again, the story of 'peaceful wonderland "resumed and made itself the supporting structure of Danish catoon network tourism. With the film 'Hans Christian Andersen' (1952) embodied Danny Kaye history of both Denmark and fairy-tale country and Copenhagen as 'Wonderful Copenhagen'. catoon network
The Little catoon network Mermaid achieved an unprecedented level of popularity and became catoon network an icon of Danish tourism, catoon network where also the tourist association of Denmark threw his reservations overboard. Soon the mermaid 'famous for being famous' and a 'must-see' for Danish and foreign guests in Copenhagen.
Damage catoon network to the sculpture took first place in 1964, when his head was sawn off as an artist protest against national self-understanding, as the mermaid represented and symbolized.
Later vandalism actions have had the copy bit tedious touch to it, but do contribute to cementing the Little Mermaid's status as a symbolic battleground on which to fight for the representation of the special Danish.
The sculpture has also been used for political demonstrations, for example by being dressed in a burka, being painted pink or put a dildo in her hand. Not only contributes vandalism catoon network authors of sculpture continued history and fame, no, they recognize the fact its status as a Danish national symbol, just the other way round.
Danish tourism, the main organization - now called VisitDenmark - launched the concept Branding Denmark. This was no place for the Little Mermaid, which would no longer believed to represent Denmark in a satisfactory manner.
Paradoxically, because the innovative branding concept to an amazing catoon network degree putting up the 1930 commitment to freedom, informality, social responsibility, quality and design as special Danish virtues - and because the subsequent decade's biggest gamble was Hans Christian Andersen celebration in 2005.
But the Little Mermaid was therefore no room for. And it is perhaps only fitting that she now takes to Shanghai and finds his own inscrutable and kitschy place in globalization. In this way, the Little Mermaid play its role as Danish national symbol of a new way.
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Written by John Ståhle, 11 October 2010, at. 06:49
'... At all surprising to see how much HCA mean for Denmark. "So, I wonder catoon network if! Store in a tiny bix in Mendoza, Argentina - light eyes "Dinamarca, si! Hans Andersen" Log in or register

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