Tuesday, August 12, 2014

There are authors whose works especially hard to fit into the framework of the movie. For me, this

Belarusians will! "Andrew teenage mutant ninja turtles games Kureichyk:" Cinema inspires me to make a movie "
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The appearance of photos sparked a debate about the disappearance of the painting, the emergence of cinema - on unnecessary pictures, television appearance - the imminent desolation cinemas. But, as we see around is the right place and time. To learn how to interact with the art of speech and the art of movement, what should be taught the students why a lot of reading and watching movies, the new series of the "rapture" says screenwriter, playwright and film director Andrei Kureichyk.
- I would not be present without the enthusiasm teenage mutant ninja turtles games of my life - cinema and literature. Reading I always devoted a very large amount of time. Already ten or eleven years holds for books about six hours was the norm for me. It turned out that I was not sociable guy and I love to stay at home. In the environment of the parent library I was never bored: Soviet science fiction, world classics, biographies and studies carried away, so that I soon began to not only read but also write Imitative texts.
Acquainted with the book and fell in love with her, I also wanted to write. And when, in the early nineties, there were foreign films ("King Kong," "Star Wars," "Flight of the Navigator", "Lover Lady Chaterli"), my childhood consciousness were taken prisoner magic of cinema. Since then, the cinema has become my second passion, and today I have a huge collection of movies - from classics to the latest movies and TV series. All this, of course, influenced by the fact that among my literary experiments have come to occupy a significant place screenplays.
I believe that the language of literature is very poorly translated into any other language arts. After all, the view you want from the reader during teenage mutant ninja turtles games the reading of any work of art, creating such images, the power of which is difficult to overcome. That is why, for example, the successful adaptation of the well-known literary works out very rarely. No matter how hard the writers, directors and actors perform their tasks professionally as possible, their work can easily depreciate one thought the audience: "I see it very differently."
There are authors whose works especially hard to fit into the framework of the movie. For me, this author - Dostoevsky. It seems to me that the actors are simply unable to pass through itself that a huge amount of thought, passion, energy, which are incorporated in the texts of Dostoevsky. You may need to stop trying to film adaptation, allowing the reader to visualize the very complex philosophy and psychology of the great writer. At the same time, one can see the opposite situation, when the film obtained is better than the book. An example teenage mutant ninja turtles games of such a result for me is "Solaris" teenage mutant ninja turtles games by Andrei Tarkovsky. In this case, there was some incredible breakthrough in the development of the philosophy of the sensuality, the imagery, which is indicated only in the book by Stanislaw Lem. The director works to uncover the meaning is much deeper than it did the writer himself.
Readers teenage mutant ninja turtles games will be called a lot of books that rocked the world view of people of different countries and cultures. Film enthusiasts devote dozens of films that can not be erased from memory. teenage mutant ninja turtles games And then, and another affects the thinking thoughtful viewer and reader. At the same time, I always remember that literature is an art - that there are three thousand years, and a movie - a little more than a hundred. The impact that made the book of humanity can not be overemphasized - it is huge. Although the number of readers is reduced, they will not disappear. Because replace the feeling that you get from reading the ones that gives view of the film, it is impossible. It is important teenage mutant ninja turtles games that a person does not "skip" the opportunity to become a reader. teenage mutant ninja turtles games And then, feeling teenage mutant ninja turtles games the depth and subtlety of the interaction with the author's own intellectual text, he will not replace reading watching, but find a way and time to enjoy both art forms.
I always find time to read a book or watch a movie. It's just part of my life. But it should be noted that this issue is resolved movies easier thanks to my work at home. When I write, I feel uncomfortable to be in silence, can go as far as fear and hatred of their own heroes. To solve this problem, I include this or that film, look corner of my eye. This has certain advantages: watching the fantastic specimens teenage mutant ninja turtles games of world cinema, you feel an even greater need and with their characters do something quite unusual and very interesting. Cinema inspires me to do the movie.
Movie for me - is that I do not even because I know how to do it, but because it has me in its very essence. Can define himself as a man of cinema, who understands how to build a frame

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