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Dars on Sunday began work on the eastern Ljubljana ring road, on Monday will be renovation work on the glass section of littoral highway Divača-Kozina in Karavanke tunnel and a section of the highway dolenjske Breľice-Waterfront.
In the eastern section of the ring road Lithium-Malence will be held from Sunday naruto shippuden 210 sub espaГ±ol work related to the closure of the transition zone separating the metal security fence. Because of overtaking lanes will be closed in both directions, traffic will be a length of several hundred meters to the end of the works, expected no later than May 12, held after two narrowed lanes in each direction, announced today from the Motorway Company in the Republic of Slovenia (DARS) .
Monday will begin preparatory work for a working lock on a section of highway littoral Divača-Kozina. Turnover is expected to be no later than the beginning of the last week of June took place the other half of the highway narrowed naruto shippuden 210 sub espaГ±ol by three bands, with the possibility of changing two lanes in the direction of increased traffic.
At this section of the contractors, Koper CPK as a leading partner and Nova Gorica CPG and Croatian GP Krk, rebuilt 6.4 kilometer carriageway highway from the direction of Koper to Ljubljana. Value of the works, in addition to the reconstruction of the roadway includes the construction of cable lines and telecommunications networks, amounts to 4.74 million EUR, excluding VAT.
On Monday, a work barrier will be erected over the whole, about osemkilometrski Karavanke tunnel. Work is expected to be completed no later than the beginning of the last week of June, but until then traffic will be through one pipe Slovenian-Austrian motorway tunnel held a one-way alternating with pending naruto shippuden 210 sub espaГ±ol before the tunnel to about 30 minutes.
Part performers, Slovenian and Croatian society tensor traffic, naruto shippuden 210 sub espaГ±ol you replace the Karavanke naruto shippuden 210 sub espaГ±ol tunnel video surveillance system and establish naruto shippuden 210 sub espaГ±ol videozaznavo traffic. The contract value of 2.1 million euros excluding VAT, with a percentage of DARS for the Slovenian part of the tunnel 44 per cent share of the Austrian tunnel operator Asfinag the remaining naruto shippuden 210 sub espaГ±ol 56 per cent of the contract value. naruto shippuden 210 sub espaГ±ol
Also on Monday to set up a working lock on dolenjski highway naruto shippuden 210 sub espaГ±ol between the bank and Brežice towards. Expected by the beginning of June will be marketing a length of approximately five kilometers run by the second half of a two-way highway. Artist, CGP, will rehabilitate drainage asphalt in the context of elimination of defects during the warranty period.
By the end of next week will work well on glass section of highway in Pomurje Dragučova-Lenart, longer lock it Dars in about one week announcing to the Styrian highway between Vrana and Trojan.
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with us on the dirt roads less than the holes in the asphalt. through some renovation, but usually referred to in this "reconstruction" occurs even worse road than before. contributions to the registration of the vehicle and the price of vignettes in view of the condition of the roads may be at least half the size. already when you come across the border in Austria, as you come back from hell to heaven. 10-day vignette but I think even cheaper than us weekly! This is our beautiful Slovenia!
Strikingly naruto shippuden 210 sub espaГ±ol repair on almost new roads is nice that the next GP KRK! these guys are gonna learn what you do well and the quality and quickly build! I am really a lot of Krk and what the company is made there is a law, but in some time! However, neither the closeness of money by such terms of use say like a Slovenian company! that we are not talking about the quality! but it is a disaster that foreigners are working with us! you can see the result janšizma, drnovčkovizma, pahorizma, naruto shippuden 210 sub espaГ±ol kučanizma and anyone else!
lunatetrka 05/04/2013 19:19:00
The biggest naruto shippuden 210 sub espaГ±ol problem on Slovenian roads, freight transport, on average truck destroyed the road than 16,000 cars and if you come to us daily 5000 trucks naruto shippuden 210 sub espaГ±ol only in Hungary is the same as 2.4 billion cars a month - which practically means the same as to one third of the world's population each with his car, drove across the Slovenian roads every month! Then there are trucks still from the north and west. At the time, the Slovenian motorway was designed by a lot less traffic on the roads and adhere to should be at least 10 years without repairs, but since the amount of traffic during this time increased by 400%, means that the lifetime significantly reduced and roads themselves are not much of a problem, the more the problem of destroyed bridges.
Trucks should be pretty loaded onto a train and ciao ... to the highway withstand time, less traffic and congestion, and overtaking the truckers, thereby causing chaos on the highway. And yet the railways would mele of this, but not that jamrajo kaka crisis, etc. ..
also, the roads are destroyed mainly due to freight transport, why j

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