of personal frustration and tantrums, and autošovinizmu ("liberal") nazification Serbs pacovizujućoj decontamination, claims that this terrible alternative modernity, shameless profiterizaciji "civil society" ideological SPONZORUŠE that the budget silicone attitude and everything we seem perverse or interesting ed edd eddy games
Mr. Nebojša Spaić, killer NIN (there are accomplices, although not extenuating circumstances), moral cartoon that everyone loves it, runaway foreign currency infant DS and drummer neocolonial ambassador who presents himself as a journalist and, more recently, worried thinker in neoliberalbom stupor who loves to express himself in the short and obtuse forms, the two-part megatekstu below surpassed himself and proved that not only hurts journalism his ideological twin Bujosevic and teranovinarke Anojčić: AZIJANJE 1: Oslo and Hong Kong splendor and misery of the Far East Concerns about eve out - konzumentizam - Oslo - whale meat - SF in Beijing - Small Pehovo - too big for the room - luxury - dried deer fetus - Budalend will be hard, heat, humidity, what do I know, certainly upset stomach, fatigue, headaches, hangovers, but it does not matter - the disease we have to protect what we can, we know the simple principles of safe food (which, regardless of the health restrictions, leaving enough space to be perfect, so greatly looking ed edd eddy games forward to this aspect of the times), it may be a little insecure, in the sense pickpocketing, scams, something to which we are already used to, but all along I do not expect anything particularly bad in this regard. Of course, race, and I will have different needs, desires, intentions, but I believe that we are close enough, experienced enough and intelligent enough to know that we will find a compromise. And ironically enough that we disadvantages of the other more cheer than angry, and even that should not be a problem. In the end, it turned out that whenever we are together, at least not been in touch for years, we have the same relationship, one in which everyone has complete privacy and full independence, and together ed edd eddy games we do just what we both want. Coincidentally, in most cases, want the same thing - to get a drink. It is interesting why people are worried about me and what I was warned. ed edd eddy games So my attention was drawn to watch that I do not return with a woman, to be a fraud to deceive and take advantage of it and came up one of their man, husband, father, brother, whatever, and demands money, do not take the whore say look beautiful, and too late realized that besides beautiful breasts and a penis, you do not get sick - from malaria to cholera, AIDS no one mentioned, ed edd eddy games you do not steal, do not become a Buddhist (least likely) to pay attention to the planes because this fall ... In these senseless fears and classify yourself, the snake, but I doubt me any of that kind nezgodacija waiting. I'm not afraid, of course, that I would be bored - before that can happen to be cluttered sensations, ten countries in three months is clearly ambitious, and even less to worry that I will see and learn a million things that we can not, and after each trip, especially lengthy and podaljeg, such as this, with the intention of watching from below, from the street (almost say with asphalt, but all something I think I would rather be in the dust or mud, as we have procedures where the monsoon ), to open new horizons, perspectives, new understanding of things. Obaška stunning architecture, nature, ed edd eddy games art, and all the tourist things, it must be, yet fascinating. I fear that it does not disappoint in that primary, one key driver ed edd eddy games for the trip - and that is life without selling, without imposed, izreklamirane needs without feeling fabricated, pieces of time and place where people still live in reality, not in his own image in the media, society, the public. Well, of course, I realize that I drink Coke and Pepsi, ride a jeep to Selova or which have petrol, wear, after all, and the computer to be included in the network, and Rasa camera, but I hope that the people there still live primarily own life, then only an idea of what could be if you buy this or that product. Unfortunately, at the same time I realize that, if so, it is only because of their poverty ed edd eddy games and misery, ed edd eddy games and what keeps them authentic, really, it is just that they do not have even a theoretical possibility to get a chance to buy that one product that allows them to play to become something, and nobody is trying to show that they create. At the same time, I realize that many of these countries have gone far in this direction that I do not want to see you, to talk about the local economic booms, the growth of this or any other indicator that there are more who stare at billboards as selling future that does not exist, but they look like it was irresistible. Neispavanog ****, somewhat mamurnog and totally smorenog more than an hour waiting for passport ed edd eddy games control, Oslo me at first glance is not impressed. Plain, decorated smallish European city. It's fun that cigarettes shops hold behind the screen, which acts as the pinnacle of modern
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